Origins of the LDS Temple Ceremony

Mormon temple rituals are nearly identical to Wiccan ceremonies that also teach eternal marriageplural marriage and evolution to godhood (eternal progression as it is called in Mormonism) which are similar to witchcraft. LDS temple ceremony uses same wording as is used in Masonry and Magic ceremonies.
Ample evidence exists to prove that Joseph Smith stole the temple rituals from Masonry and/or witchcraft – both pre-date Mormonism.
Many of the grips and tokens used in the Mormon temples are identical to Masonry and Wicca.

Evidence that connects Mormonism to Masonry:

Masonic Legend of Enoch (that Enoch was led to find gold and brass plates containing ancient records in a hillside vault – this legend is taught in the 13th, 14th and 21st degrees of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. This information was available to Joseph Smith even in his youth.)

Joseph Smith’s father, Joseph Smith Sr. was a Mason from 1818 onward. Hyrum Smith, Joseph’s older brother, received his three Masonic degrees in Mt. Moriah Lodge # 112 of Palmyra, NY (in 1826), about the same time that Joseph was supposedly receiving visions and visits from God and angels.

Official LDS Church’s history confirms that Joseph Smith himself was made a Master Mason on Wednesday, March 16th, 1842. (History of the Church, Vol. 4:551-552.)
Under subsection entitled Inauguration of Endowment Ceremonies, Joseph Smith informs that he first taught the Endowment to LDS apostles on Wednesday, May 4th, 1842less than two months after receiving his Master Mason degree. 

In Scottish rite Freemasonry, men are anointed as “priests after the order of Melchizedek, as are Mormon men, who are considered worthy.

The secret handshakes and rituals taught in the Mormon temples are, in most cases, identical to those of Freemasonry.

The Five Points of Fellowship” – a body stance initiates assume in the temple when receiving the Name of the Second Token of the Melchizedek Priesthood is identical to the Five Points of Fellowshipwith which the initiate receives the ultimate secret of 3rd degree of Blue Lodge Masonry.
[Note: This stance has, since April of 1990, been modified to be less intimate.]

Similarities are enough to see that Joseph Smith copied them from Masonry, as even LDS Historian and Institute director, Dr. Reed Durham, has shown. To this day, some Masonic scholars consider Mormon temples to be clandestine Masonic lodges (meaning illegally constituted).

(Much of this information is drawn from website.)

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