In doing a comparison like this, it is hard to cover each subject as completely as desired without becoming a book. Since this comparison is mainly for the benefit of Mormons and Masons, we will make most of the quotes from their writings.
These are secret societies, or have secret societies within (those who have been through the temple in Mormonism) which may be divided into two classes:
First: Those whose secrecy consists in nothing more than methods by which the members are enabled to recognize each other; and in certain doctrines, symbols, or instructions which can be obtained only after a process of initiation, and under the promise that they shall be made known to none who have not submitted to the same initiation; but which, with the exception of these particulars, have no reservations from the public.
Second: Those societies which, in addition to the secret modes or recognition and secret doctrine, add secrecy as the object of their association.
To those classes belong all those religious and secret associations which have existed from the earliest times. Such were the ancient Mysteries originated by Satan and which are found in Freemasonry and were adopted and incorporated into Mormonism.
We encourage you to study this carefully and use it to reach those that are involved in Masonry, such as Lodge, Eastern Star, Job’s Daughters, Rainbow Girls, and De Molai.
Christians should not be connected in any way with Masonry. It is another of Satan’s insidious traps.
Satan came on the scene in the Garden of Eden and has been destroying men through many forms of deceit, deception and evil ever since. The names may be different, but the results are the same: eternity in hell, separation from Jesus Christ, and endless damnation. Satanism is blatant worship of Satan. When in Freemasonry and Mormonism, participants do not blatantly worship Satan.
What is Freemasonry? Where did it originate? What does it stand for? Does God condone it?
Albert Pike, a 33rd degree Mason, gives us some background concerning Freemasonry and how it originated in his book, “Morals and Dogma.” “The Templars were accused of spitting on Christ and denying God at their receptions, of gross obscenities, conversations with female devils, and the worship of a monstrous idol. The end of the drama is well known, and how Jacques de Molai and his fellows perished in the flames. But before his execution, the chief of the doomed order organized and instituted what afterward came to be called the Occult, Hermetic, or Scottish Masonry.” (820).
On page 829, he also said: “The occult science of the ancient Magi was concealed under the shadow of the ancient mysteries… and it is found enveloped in enigmas that seem impenetrable in the rites of the highest Masonry.” Remember, that Albert Pike was at once the Grand Master of the Central Directory of Washington, Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Charleston, and Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Free Masonry, so he knew what he was talking about. (1)
Many members of the Mormon church maintain that the temple ceremonies are sacred and not secret. The Mormons of course have the right to believe that their ceremonies are sacred, but this does not excuse the fact that they are also secret. They are just as secret as the ceremonies of any other secret society. The Mormon must look elsewhere for the origin of the temple ceremony.
Mormons who joined the Masonic Lodge in the 1840’s soon found themselves in trouble with other members of the fraternity. “Not long after this lodge had been set to work, rumors of unusual proceedings therein became current. Report had it that the Nauvoo brethren set at naught certain established and well-known Masonic laws and usages… On the 16th day of July following, Bodley Lodge No. 1 of Quincy, held a special meeting… After discussion, the sentiment of the meeting took the form of resolutions. One of these called upon Grand Master Jonas to suspend the dispensation of Nauvoo Lodge until the annual communication of Grand Lodge.”
Another statement throws a little light back upon the events connected with the institution of that lodge. This resolution reads: “Resolve: That Bodley Lodge No. 1 of Quincy, requests of the Grand Lodge of the state of Illinois, that a committee be appointed at the next annual meeting of said lodge to make inquiry into the manner and officers of the Nauvoo Lodge, U.D. were installed, and by what authority the Grand Master initiated, passed and raised Messrs. Smith and Sidney Rigdon to the degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason, at one and the same time. And the proceedings of the committee be reported for the benefit of this lodge.'” (Mormonism and Masonry, by S. H. Godwin, pp. 28, 29.)
Finally, the Masons refused to allow the Mormons to continue “a Masonic Lodge at Nauvoo.” (Ibid. P.34.)
One Masonic historian wrote: “If the Lodge had been suffered to work two years longer, every Mormon in Hancock County would have been initiated.” The Mormon writer, E. Cecil McGavin, made these statements in his book, “Mormonism and Masonry” (not to be confused with the book by Goodwin by the same name): “At this time there were only 227 Masons in Illinois outside of Nauvoo. Within 5 months, the Mormons initiated 286 members in Nauvoo, and 45 in the Rising Sun Lodge at Montrose, Iowa.” Thus, there were more Masons in Nauvoo in a few weeks than there were in all other lodges in Illinois combined.
“Masonry is an ancient institution. Its landmarks are sacred and must be preserved. The Mormons were careless in some respects, failing to realize the sanctity of the ‘ancient landmarks’ and feeling free to make small innovations without consulting the Grand Lodge. Their religion was a revolutionary one. They never attempted to follow the religious pattern of the world, being free to introduce many teachings and institutions that were not practiced in any other church.”
The Masons were also disturbed with the Mormons because of polygamy, but there were other reasons also. One of the most important is that they felt Joseph Smith stole part of the Masonic ritual and included in it his temple ceremony.
It’s interesting what Joseph Smith had to say in is letter written while he was in Liberty Jail on March 25, 1839. He joined four others in the following statement: “We further caution our brethren, against the impropriety of the organization of bands or companies, by covenants, oaths, penalties, or secrecies, … pure friendship always becomes weakened the very moment you undertake to make it stronger by penal oaths and secrecy.” (Times and Seasons, vol. 1, p. 133. The same statement can be found in “The Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith,” p. 146.)
LDS Apostle Bruce R. McConkie states: “Joseph Smith received the ordinances used in the temple by revelation and from papyrus on which the Book of Abraham was recorded.” Symbols the Masons had [used] for years, suddenly started appearing on Latter-day Saints, for example, various pictures of Brigham Young show him wearing the compass and square of Freemasonry. (2) The compass and square symbols can also be found sewn into the special temple garments that all “Temple Mormons” wear.
Bruce R. McConkie says it was by revelation that Smith gained these ordinances. However, the evidence suggests that Smith merely borrowed these ideas and used them in his plan. The LDS church has argued for years that these ideas were not stolen, but in fact, are the result of “revelation” from heaven. It is really hard to buy that idea though, because as early as 1827, a book entitled: “Freemasonry Exposed” was circulated, showing in detail the oaths, signs and grips in Freemasonry that are suspiciously close to those used in the LDS temple ceremonies. Keep in mind that this book was printed 15 years before Joseph Smith became a Mason, and three years before the LDS church was organized! (2)
So, let’s look at how Mormonism and Masonry became combined.
It’s common knowledge that Hyrum (Joseph’s brother) was a Mason, as were Heber C. Kimball, Elijah Fordam, Newel K. Whitney, James Adams, John C. Bennett, John Taylor, and Brigham Young.
With the acquiescence of the prophet, members of the church who were already Masons petitioned the Grand Master of Illinois for permission to set up a lodge in Nauvoo. In answer, they were fronted permission in October 1841, to hold meetings, BUT it was March 15, 1842, before authority was given to set up a lodge in Nauvoo and to induct new members. So we learn from Smith’s own journal the new lodge installed its officers in an open grove before a large crowd, and Joseph Smith acted as grand chaplain though he was NOT a Mason.
The Saints took in new members in such droves that there were five Mormon lodges: Nauvoo, Nye, and Helen in Nauvoo; Keokuk, U.D.; and Rising Sun No. 12 at Montrose. (Encyclopedia of Freemasonry vol. 3, p. 1314.)
Joseph Smith became a member. In his own words: “In the evening I received the first degree in Freemasonry in the Nauvoo Lodge, assembled in my general business office.” (History of the Church, March 15, 1842, vol. 4, p. 551.) The next day Joseph Smith stated: “I was with the Masonic Lodge and rose to the sublime degree.” (History of the Church, March 16, 1842, vol. 4, p. 552.)
There is only ne logical explanation for the many parallels between the temple ceremony and Masonry. Simply stated, Joseph Smith borrowed them from the Masons. Remember that it was on March 16, 1842, that Joseph Smith stated: “I was with the Masonic Lodge and rose to the sublime degree.” LESS THAN TWO MONTHS LATER, MAY 4, 1842, JOSEPH SMITH INTRODUCED THE TEMPLE ENDOWMENT CEREMONY.
According to Joseph Smith’s history, it was in the same room where the Masonic fraternity meet occasionally. “Wednesday, 4. I spent the day in the upper part of the store, that is, in my private office (so-called, because in that room I keep my sacred writings, translate ancient records, and receive revelation) and in my general business office, or lodge room (that is where the Masonic Fraternity meet occasionally, for want of a better place) in council with General James Adams, of Springfield, Patriarch Hyrum Smith, Bishops Newel K. Whitney and George Miller, and President Brigham Young, and Elders Heber C. Kimball and Willard Richards, instructing them in the principles and the order of the Priesthood, attending to WASHINGS, ANOINTINGS, ENDOWMENTS and the communication of KEYS pertaining to the Aaronic Priesthood, and so on to the highest order of the Melchizedek Priesthood.” (History of the Church, vol. 5, pp. 102.) (1)
ORIGIN: Satan, exact time frame unknown. First mentioned in the 11th century. Baal worship mentioned in Old Testament. | ORIGIN: Unknown, exactly. First mentioned in records in 680 A.D. | ORIGIN: Joseph Smith. Temple ceremonies started in May, 1842. |
Use of a ritual, or ceremony as follows: | Use of a ritual, or ceremony as follows: | Use of a ritual, or ceremony as follows: |
Require the removal of shoes before or during the ceremony. (4) | Require the removal of shoes before or during the ceremony. (3, 4) | |
Reduced to nude, then covered with a black “shield.” (1) | Reduced to nude, then redressed and prepared for ceremony. | Reduced to nude, then covered with a white “shield.” (3, 4) |
Ceremony of washing and anointing of the body performed (2) | Ceremony of washing and anointing the candidate. (5) | Ceremony of washing and anointing of the body performed. (3,4) |
Use of a secret name necessary. (3) | Use of a new name: “I also present you with a new name; it is caution.” (6) | Patron is given a “new name which you should always remember, and which you must keep sacred and never reveal.”(3,4) |
Claim to have the Melchizedek Priesthood. | Claim to have the Melchizedek Priesthood.(7) | Claim to have the Melchizedek Priesthood.(3) |
Use of an altar. | Use of an altar.(8) | Use of an altar.(3,4) |
Use of an apron in ceremony (green) worn by Pontiff(4) | Use of an apron in ceremony (white) worn by lodge members and candidate. | Use of an apron in ceremony (green) worn by each “patron” in the session.(3,4) |
Use of a sash in ceremony.(22) | Use of a sash in ceremony.(22) | |
Use of specific hand clasps or “grips” during ceremony. | Use of specific hand clasps or “grips” during ceremony. | Use of specific hand clasps or “grips” during ceremony.(3-4) |
Secret oaths associated with each hand clasp or grip. | Secret oaths associated with each hand clasp or grip.(9) | Secret oaths associated with each hand clasp or grip.(3-4) |
Death is the penalty for revealing the signs or tokens (hand clasps or grips). | Death is the penalty for revealing the signs or tokens. | Death is the penalty for revealing the signs or tokens (hand clasps or grips). |
Candidate progresses from one degree to another, each one higher. | Candidate progresses from one degree to another, each one higher. | Candidate progresses from one degree to another, each one higher.(3-4) |
Use of prayer circle in the ceremony. | Use of prayer circle in the ceremony. | |
Ultimate goal: to progress to godhood. | Ultimate goal: to become gods and goddesses.(3-4) | |
Practice communication with the dead. | Temple ceremony is mainly doing work for the dead. (They believe they can communicate with the dead.) (5) | |
Sun | Sun (9) | Sun |
Moon | Moon (9) | Moon |
Stars/Pentagrams | Stars/Pentagrams (9) | Stars/Pentagrams |
Compass | Compass | Compass |
Square | Square | Square |
All Seeing Eye | All Seeing Eye | All Seeing Eye |
24″ gauge | 24″ gauge | 24″ gauge |
Sun = Lucifer, Light Bearer, Baal. | Sun = Great god, the point within a circle, all seeing eye, the male or the active part, the master in the lodge, Phallus. | Sun = Celestial Kingdom. |
Moon = Queen of Heaven. | Moon = female, the passive part, the productive part, the producer. The earth. | Moon = Terrestrial Kingdom. |
Star = Sirius, Set. | Star = Telestial Kingdom. | |
Pentagram = Satan’s symbol. Very important symbol in Satanism. Upright – symbol of goddess. Inverted* = symbol of goatshead. Inverted Pentagram, especially evil. |
Pentagram = symbol of evil, Satan, Mendez, Lucifer, and Lilith. Called the Goatshead Star, or the Goat of Mendez Star, when inverted.(11) | Pentagram used extensively in early Mormon architecture. Still used in modern Mormon architecture.(6) |
Compass = female. Symbol of witch’s circle drawn with compass. | Compass = male, the active part, or the generative part. “Circumscribing our passions, and keeping our desires within due bounds.”(12) | Compass – “signifying that desires, appetites, and passions are to be kept within the bounds the Lord has established, and that all truth can be circumscribed into one great whole.”(4) This mark is sewn into all Mormon temple garments. |
24″ gauge = represents the Tree of Life. Also the measure by which all things are measured.(5) | 24″ gauge = divides the day into three 8-hour periods: 8 for labor, 8 for rest and refreshment, 8 for service to fellows. (14) |
24″ gauge = this symbol is not referred to in the ceremony, but there is a navel and knee mark sewn into all Mormon temple garments, having the following meaning: The navel mark “…is placed over the navel as a reminder of the constant need for nourishment to body and spirit.” “The knee mark is placed on the right leg of the garment over the knee, and indicates that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ.”(4) (Also, the term, “Tree of Life,” is understood and is very important in Mormonism.) |
All Seeing Eye = Eye or Horus. (Hero Parr Kraat, associated with Satan’s child, in Egyptian.) | All Seeing Eye = symbol of the Egyptian god “Osiris” (15) and the ever presence of their god. | All Seeing Eye = symbolizes the ever presence of their god. Used in Mormon architecture.(8) |
Lucifer = Light Bearer, Great Initiator. | Lucifer = Bearer of light.(15A) | Lucifer = gives instructions in the temple ceremony. Adam and Eve acknowledge that it was “better” to follow Lucifer’s council than God’s.(4) |
Light = each candidate is seeking light and more light. Light illumination of special Luciferin initiation, radical opening at pineal gland. The third eye. | Light = each Mason seeks light, more light, and further light.(16) | Light = “Adam, having been true and faithful in all things, desires further light and knowledge by conversing with the Lord through the Veil.”(3,4) |
Phallus* = male and god. *male penis |
Phallus = male. “The” point within a circle. The column, the broken column. Outwardly expressed in the obelisk, such as the Washington Monument.(17) | Phallus = the cross-less steeples of the Mormon temples and chapels have been alluded to be comparable to the Masonic obelisks. |
Good is Evil/Evil is Good | Satan created and governs the visible world.(15A) “Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also god… Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.”(23) |
Good is Evil/Evil is Good (Lucifer speaking): “…I want you to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that your eyes may be opened, for that is the way Father gained his knowledge.” Adam and Eve, after partaking of the forbidden fruit, acknowledge that is “better” that they disobey Father. Since they say that “it is better” that they disobeyed [did evil], the evil deed becomes “good” [or better].(4). |
Jesus = the son of Lucifer. | Jesus – the name “Jesus” is not used in the ceremony. Mormons teach and believe that Jesus is the spirit brother of Lucifer. | |
Holy Bible -not used. They have their own Satanic Bible. |
Jesus – is not recognized. | Holy Bible – is used upon the altar, along with the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price. They also have an “inspired” Bible version by Joseph Smith, but it is not used in the temple ceremony. |
Satanic ceremony has ten tokens: 1-10. | Masonic ceremony has three tokens in the Blue Lodge, seven more in the York Rite, and 29 more in the Scottish Rite. | Mormon temple ceremony has four tokens. |
First token = Entered Apprentice. Token given with the thumb on top of the first knuckle of each person. |
First token of the Aaronic Priesthood. Token given with the thumb on top of the first knuckle of each person. |
Second token = Sign of the Elder. Token given with the thumb on top of the first knuckle of each person. |
Second token = Fellow Craft. Token given with the thumb between the first and second knuckle of each person. Called the “Pass Grip.” |
Second token of the Aaronic Priesthood. Token given with the thumb between the first and second knuckle of each person. |
Eighth token = Sign of the Nail. The hand vertical, the fingers close together and the thumb extended, and the person giving the token placing the tip of the forefinger of his right hand in the center of the palm and the thumb opposite on the back of the hand of the one receiving it. The “Nail” means “Satan.” |
First token of the Melchizedek Priesthood, or the Sign of the Nail. (3, 4) “This token is received by bringing the right hand into this position: the hand vertical, the fingers close together and the thumb extended, and the person giving the token placing the tip of the forefinger of his right hand in the center of the palm, and the thumb opposite on the back of the hand of the one receiving it…” The name of this token is “The Son,” meaning the Son of God. |
Fifth Degree token = Sign of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. This token is given by clasping the right hands, interlocking the little fingers, and placing the tip of the forefinger on the center of the wrist of each person. |
Real Grip. Master Mason. Called the strong Grip of the Lion. This token is given by clasping the right hands, with first and second fingers on the top of the wrist, third an fourth fingers on bottom of the wrist. The Strong Grip of the Lions Paw of the Tribe of Judah. |
Second token of the Melchizedek Priesthood, the Patriarchal Grip or sure Sign of the Nail. This token is given by clasping the right hands, interlocking the little fingers, and placing the tip of the forefinger on the center of the wrist of each person. |
Uses the “Five Points of Fellowship.” | Uses the “Five Points of Fellowship.” | Uses the “Five Points of Fellowship.” |
“Five Points of Fellowship: as follows: foot to foot, knee to knee, arm to back, breast to breast, mouth to ear.” |
“Five Points of Fellowship: as follows: 1st – foot to foot, 2nd – knee to knee, 3rd – breast to breast, 4th – hand to back, 5th – cheek to cheek or mouth to ear.” |
“Five Points of Fellowship: as follows: inside of right foot by side of right foot, knee to knee, breast to breast, hand to back, and mouth to ear.” |
Uses three knocks. (18) | Uses three knocks at the Veil. (4) | |
The Five Points of Fellowship are given at the end of the black (Satanic) mass as a benediction. During the giving of the Five Points of Fellowship, the candidate receives the whispered secret name of the god and goddess. To the man: “May you have health in the navel, marrow in the bones, strength n the penis and in the sinews; and power in the priesthood be upon you and your posterity through all generations of time and throughout all eternity.” To the woman: “May you have fertility in your womb, strength in your thighs, lust in your vagina and your innermost being; that you may please your Master and his priesthood throughout all generations of time, and throughout all eternity.” (1,7) |
“In this position(as explained above) alone are you permitted to give the word, Mahhah-bone…”(19) | “This is the name of the token: Health in the navel, marrow in the bones, strength in the loins and in the sinews, power in the Priesthood be upon me and my posterity through all generations of time and throughout all eternity.” (Both men and women recite the same.)(Compare italicized words in Satanic ceremony.) |
Cross = Phallic symbol. | Cross = not used (20) | Cross = not used. |
Cabala – is recognized. | Cabala – is recognized. (21) | Cabala – is not recognized. |
(The Satanic Marriage Ceremony) |
A ring is cast by the High Priestess. The couple remains outside the ring until cast. The work (the ceremony) may be performed robed or skyclad (nude) as wished. When High Priestess is ready, the High Priest leads the coven into the ring. The couple enters the ring with the High Priestess sweeping them with a broom. High Priest then seals the ring and places the couple in the center, man on the right of the High Priestess as she faces East.
High Priestess: “Who stands forward for ____(the bride)?” “Who stands forward for ____(the groom)?” High Priest: “It is the Father’s will my children, that his offspring love and breed; and it is the Mystery of the Craft that Perfect Couples come together, drawn across the centuries by the bond of love. Only in the Congress of Man and Woman may we attain the path of Godhood, for it is written in the Antient (ancient) Landmarks: ‘Ye cannot be a witch alone?” High Priest: “Having been together before, _____ and _____ do you now wish to seal your Bond of Perfection for time and eternity; that your joy may be full in future lives?” High Priest: “Have you scorned jealousy that though your souls be one, your bodies may be shared with your brothers and sisters?” High Priest: “Then Brother and friend, do you take your lover by her right hand in the Sign of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and receive her unto yourself to be your covenanted bride for time and all eternity, under the Oath and Covenant of the High Priesthood of Melchizedek and promise that you will lay down your life and body for her again and again in pursuit of the Art, and this you do in the presence of the Father, the Mother, the Watchers and the Mighty Ones, and these witness of your own free will and choice?” High Priest: “And you, my sister and friend, do you take your lover by his right hand in the Sign of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and receive him unto yourself to be your covenanted Lord for time and all eternity, under the Oath and Covenant of the High Priesthood of Melchizedek and promise that you will lay down your life and body for him again and again in pursuit of the Art,and this you do in thepresence of the Father, the Mother, the watchers and Mighty ones, and those witnesses of your own free will and choice?” (High Priest ties their right hands together in the Sign of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah with a white cord, and gives the free end to the High Priestess, who presses it to her belly.) High Priest: “By this cord, and its secret meaning, I bind you together in a bond stronger than passion, stronger than death. By virtue of the authority of the Holy Priesthood of Melchizedek which I hold, I pronounce you____ and _____ legally and lawfully Lord and Lady for time and all eternity; Twin Flames whose lights shall even burn as One; and I seal upon you all the blessings of immortality and godhood; and seal upon your heads the blessings of thrones, kingdoms, principalities, powers and dominions and say unto you: Bring forth children, both of the flesh and of the spirit, that you might ave joy therein. All these blessings, I seal upon you in the name of YHVH! So mote it be!” (Compare all the italicized words with the Mormon temple ceremony.) |
(Both men and women must have already gone through the whole temple ceremony before they can be married “for time and all eternity.”)After the groom has brought his bride-to-be through the veil and learned what her “new name” is, they proceed to a sealing room.
The walls are nearly solid mirrors so that one can see “for eternity” in both directions. The walls are lined with chairs and an altar is in the center. The officiator for this ceremony is a temple sealer who is supposed to be an especially “spiritual” person. During the discourse of the wedding the couple is usually instructed to stand together in the center of the room and look into the opposing mirrors, illustrating “eternity.” After the preliminary message, two “witnesses” are seated in a special position of honor, and the bride and groom kneel, facing each other on opposite sides of the upholstered altar, and join right hands in the Patriarchal Grip (previously described), resting their joined hands on the altar. The groom is on the right of the sealer. The sealer stands at the head of the altar and pronounces the ceremony. Sealer: “Brother _____, do you take sister _____ (maiden name) by the right hand and receive her unto yourself to be your lawful and wedded wife for time and all eternity with a covenant and promise that you will observe and keep all the laws, rites, and ordinances pertaining to this Holy Order of Matrimony in the New and Everlasting Covenant, and this you do in the presence of God, angels, and these witnesses of your own free will and choice?” Sealer: “Sister _____,do you take brother _____ by the right hand and give yourself to him to be his lawful and wedded wife, and for him to be your lawful and wedded husband, for time and all eternity, with a covenant and promise that you will observe and keep all the laws, rites, and ordinances pertaining to this Holy Order of Matrimony in the New and Everlasting Covenant, and this you do in the presence of these witnesses, of your own free will and choice?” Sealer: By virtue of the Holy Priesthood and the authority vested in me. I pronounce you _____ and _____, and lawfully husband and wife for all eternity, and I seal upon you the blessings of the holy resurrection with the power to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection clothed in glory,immortality, and eternal lives, and seal upon you the blessings of kingdoms, thrones, principalities, powers, dominions, and exaltations, with all the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and say unto you: be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth, that you may have joy and rejoicing in the day of the Lord Jesus Christ. All these blessings, together with all the blessings pertaining unto the New and Everlasting Covenant, I seal upon you by virtue of the Holy Priesthood, through your faithfulness, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.” The parties then kiss each other over the altar, which ends the ceremony. No exchange of rings is included in the ceremony itself. The parties leave to change into their “street clothing.” (In Mormon temples, men can be married to more than one wife for time and all eternity, women cannot.) (Compare all italicized words with the Satanic marriage ceremony.) |
SATANISM Some of the information contained herein is not readily available in printed form because of the secret nature of the Satanism. We’ve quoted from the following sources that allude to the worship of Satan.
1) Witch’s Bible, by Gavin and Yvonne Frost, Nash Publ, Los Angeles, 1972; pp. 80-82.
2) Man, Myth, and Magic, vol. 15, pp. 1940-41, and the New Golden Bough, by Sir James Frazer, ed., Dr. Theodore Gaster, Criterion Books, New York, 1959, p. 187.
3) Sexual Secrets, Destiny Books, New York, 19778, pp. 43-46, 71-72, 182.
4) Book of Shadows, p. 129.
5) Magic, White and Black, by Franz Hartman, pp. 290-291.
Because the meanings behind the Masonic ceremony are so hidden, below are some sources for more detailed explanations.
1) “Now That’s Something to Think About,” by KANN Radio, Ogden, Utah, 1987.
2) Freemasonry holds fast and hard to its claim of being “Identical to the Ancient Mysteries.” Where the mysteries originated is not known. It is supposed that they came from India by way of Chaldea into Egypt and then were carried into Greece.
Research has determined the fact that many of Freemasonry’s ceremonial rituals are identical to those of our ancient ancestors. “Ancient Rituals,” by Tim McDonald, 1986.
The following quotations are from Mackey’s revised Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, vols, 1, 2, and 3. (In later quotes marked as E of F):
“Each of the pagan gods had, besides the public and open, a secret worship paid to him, to which none were admitted but those who had been selected by preparatory ceremonies called ‘initiation.’ This secret worship was termed the… observance of a festival, and that they are sometimes celebrated publicly, and sometimes in mysterious privacy. Secret ceremonies were… practiced in honor of certain gods, and whose secret was known to the initiates alone, who were admitted only after long and painful trials, which is was more than their life was worth to reveal. As to their origin … the first of which we have any account are those of Isis and Osiris in Egypt. These mysteries undoubtedly owed their origin to the desire to established esoteric philosophy, in which should be withheld from popular approach those sublime truths which it was supposed could only be entrusted to those who had been previously prepared for their reception, having their origin in Egypt or in the east, from whom was derived religious, physical, and historical knowledge, under the veil of symbols.” (689)
“The theory is, that the principles and doctrines of Freemasonry existed in the earliest ages of the world, and were believed and practiced by a primitive people, the antediluvians, or the people before the Flood times with a priesthood, under the name of Pure of Primitive Freemasonry.” (E of F, p. 801)
“Egypt has always been considered as the birthplace of the Mysteries. It was there that the ceremonies initiation were first established.” (E of F, p. 316)
“The first degree, as we may term it, of Egyptian initiation was that into the Mysteries of Isis.” (E of F, p. 317)
3) “Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teachings are instruction in religion… This is the true religion revealed to the ancient patriarchs; which Masonry has taught for many centuries, and which it will continue to each as long as time endures.” (Morals and Dogma, by Albert Pike, pp. 213-214.)
“There has been a needless expenditure of ingenuity and talent by a large number of Masonic orators and essayists, in the endeavor to prove that Freemasonry is not a religion. This has usually arisen from the well intended but erroneous view that has been assumed of the connection between religion and Freemasonry. Now we have never for a moment believed that any such unwarrantable assumption, as that Freemasonry is intended to be a substituted for Christianity… On the contrary, we contend, without any sort of hesitation, that Freemasonry is in every sense of the word, an eminently religious institution, that it is indebted solely to the religious element it contains for its origin as well as its continued existence, and that without this religious element it would scarcely be worthy of cultivation by the wise and good.”
“…Freemasonry teaches religious truth… Freemasonry is not Christianity… The tendency of all true Freemasonry is toward religion. Freemasonry is thus identified with religion…” (E of F, pp. 846-847. Emphasis added)
4) “The candidate is now requested to strip. (Addressing the candidate) “You will take off your coat, shoes and stockings, also your vest and cravat, and now your pantaloons. Here is a pair of drawers for you.” “Entered Apprentice Preparations,” by Tim McDonald, 1986.
5) “The ceremony (of anointing) is still used in some of the high degrees of Freemasonry…” (E of F, p. 82)
“Lustration. From the Latin word meaning both washing and atonement. A religious rite practiced by the ancients and performed before any act of devotion. It consisted of washing the hands and sometimes the whole body, in listral or consecrated water… It was a ceremony preparatory to initiation in all the Ancient Mysteries.” (E of F, p. 605)
“The Master orders the basin of perfumed water and a clean napkin to be brought to him, and he directs the candidate to wash his hands, which he does… The… Master takes a box of perfumed ointment and anoints candidate on his head, eyes, mouth, heart, and tip of his right ear, hand and foot, and says, ‘You are now my dear brother, received a member of our society…'” Richardson’s Monitor of Freemasonry, p. 167.
6) “Cautious in your words and carriage that the most penetrating stranger shall not be able to discover or find out what is not proper to be intimated; as these charges were particularly directed to Apprentices, who then constituted the great body of the Fraternity, it is possible that the new name gave rise to the Charge.” (E of F, p. 184), Freemasonry Exposed, p. 25.
7) “In Freemasonry, Melchizedek is connected with the Order of Degree of High Priesthood, and some of the advanced Degrees.” (E of F, p. 659)
8) Altar. The most important article of furniture in a Lodge room is undoubtedly the altar… Herodotus gives the Egyptians the credit of being the first among the heathen nations who invented altars.
The marriage covenant among the ancients was always solemnized at the altar and men were accustomed to make their oaths at altars. An oath taken or a vow made at the altar was considered as more solemn and binding than one assumed under other circumstances.
In all the religions of antiquity, it was the usage of the priests and the people to pass around the altar in the course of the sun, that to say, from the east, by way of the south, to the west, as part of their worship.
From all this, we see that the altar in Freemasonry is not merely a convenient article of furniture. It is a sacred utensil of religion, intended, like the altars of the ancient temples, for religious uses, and thus identifying Freemasonry by its necessary existence in our Lodges, as a religious institution.” (E of F, pp. 55, 56)
9) “… I furthermore promise and swear that I will not print, stamp, stain, cut, carve, mark, or engrave them, or cause the same to be done, on anything moveable or immovable, capable of receiving the least impression of a word, syllable, letter, or character, whereby the same may become legible or intelligible to any person under the canopy of heaven, and the secrets of Masonry thereby lawfully obtained through my unworthiness. All this I do solemnly, sincerely promise and swear, with a firm and steadfast resolution to perform the same, without any mental reservation of secret evasion of mind whatever, binding myself under no less penalty than that of having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out by its roots, and my body buried in the rough sands of the sea, at low water mark, where the tide regularly ebbs and flows twice in twenty four hours, should I ever knowingly violate this my Entered Apprentice obligation.” First Degree Obligation, by Tim McDonald, 1987. “The real object of Freemasonry, in a philosophical and religious sense, is the search for truth. This truth is, therefore, symbolized by the Word. From the first entrance of the Apprentice into the Lodge, until his reception of the highest degree, this search is continued. It is not always found and a substitute must sometimes be provided.” (E of F, p. 1057. Emphasis added.)
“Masonry, like all the religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them and to draw them away from it. Truth is not for those who are unworthy or unable to receive it, or would pervert it. So, Masonry jealously conceals its secrets, and intentionally leads conceited interpreters astray.” (Morals and Dogma, by Albert Pike, pp. 104-105. Emphasis added.)
Allegory – “A discourse or narrative in which there is a literal and figurative sense a patent and a concealed meaning… All the legends of Freemasonry are more or less allegorical.” (E of F, p. 51)
“…Freemasonry is a peculiar system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols.” (E of F, p. 269)
“Most of the ceremonies of Freemasonry are strictly private, and can be conducted only in the presence of the initiated.” (E of F, p. 817)
“All significant words in Freemasonry are secret. Only certain ones are sacred.” (E of F, p. 1117)
“When… a new member took an oath, he was submitting himself to Craft law, and from the moment of taking it was amenable to Craft authorities under penalties. From sentences or hints here and there in other records, it is evident that the Operative Masons could enforce their law with grimness if the need arose, as did other gilds and authorities at the time. The sword of the outer guard was not a mere symbol or ornament.
A candidate is obligated to keep secrets… secret-keeping is only one of the many purposes…
The Masonic oath stands in a line of unbroken continuity which goes back to early Anglo-Saxon times in England… There is a reference to it in a record of 680 A.D. The men were divided into hundreds. …and there took a pledge which bound him on penalty of his life and goods to be true and faithful to his rulers and to keep the laws; this made him a member.” (E of F, p. 1321)
“… There can be no doubt that when a man is made a Freemason he enters into a covenant with the Institution. As we advance in Freemasonry our obligations increase. …it is indeed the covenant that makes the Freemason.” (E of F, p. 248)
9) “With astronomy the system of Freemasonry is intimately connected. From that science many of our most significant emblems are borrowed. The Lodge itself is a representation of the world; it is adorned with images of the sun, and moon, and blazing star. The connection between our Order and astronomy is still more manifest in the Freemasonry of antiquity, where, the pure principles of our system being lot, the symbolic instruction of the heavenly bodies gave place to the corrupt Sabean worship of the sun, and moon, and stars, a worship whose influences are seen in all the mysteries of Paganism.” (E of F, p. 110)
“Hardly any of the symbols of Freemasonry are more important in their signification or more extensive in their application than the sun.” (E of F, p. 987) [See No. 17 below.]
10) In Freemasonry, all the instruction in its mysteries are communicated in the form of symbols.” (E of F, p. 1002)
“The germ and nucleus of all Freemasonry is to be found in the three primitive Degrees – The Apprentice, the Fellow Craft, and the Master Mason.”
Symbolism is, therefore, the prevailing characteristic of the primitive Degrees.” (E of F, p. 1003)
11) “The Freemasons of the United States have, by tacit consent, referred to it as a symbol of the Five Points of Fellowship. The outlines of the five-pointed star are the same as those of the pentalpha or Pythagoras.” (E of F, p. 358)
“… In the science of magic the pentalpha is called the holy and Mysterious pentagram. …the pentagram is the star of the Magicians; … as it points upwards… with… disorder… represents the accursed god of Mendez, profanation, Lucifer, the evening star, Lilith, death, and darkness.” (E of F, p. 762)
12) “Those Brethren who delight to trace our emblems to an astronomical origin, find in the compass a symbol of the sun, and circular pivot representing the body of the luminary, and the diverging legs his rays.” (E of F, p. 236)
13) “By the side of the male head is the Sun, and by that of the female head, the Moon. And the hand on the male side holds the Compass, and that on the female side, a Square.” (Morals and Dogma, by Albert Pike, pp. 850-851)
14) See Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, p. 1063.
15) “An important symbol of the Supreme Being, borrowed by the Freemasons from the nations of antiquity.”
“…the Egyptians represented Osiris, their chief deity, by the symbol of an open eye, and placed this hieroglyphic of him in all their temples.” (E of F, pp. 52, 53)
15A) “Lucifer, the Light bearer! It is he who bears the light. Doubt it not!” (Lost Keys of Masonry, p. 321)
16) Worshipful Master to candidate: “In your present condition, what do you most desire?”
Candidate: “Light.” (First Degree)
Worshipful Master to candidate: “In your present condition, what do you most desire?”
Candidate: “More light in Masonry.” (Second Degree)
Worshipful Master to candidate: “In your present condition, what do you most desire?”
Candidate: “Further light in Masonry.” (Third Degree) Tim McDonald, 1986.
17) Five-Part Footnote:
1. Point within a circle. This is a symbol of great importance and interest… and which was predominant in ancient sun worship. …We may collect from true history its connection with the phallus of the Ancient Mysteries.”
“The phallus was among the Egyptians the symbol of fecundity, expressed by the male generative principle. Among the Asiatics the same emblem, under the name “Lingam,” was in the connection with the female principle (see Cteis), worshipped as the symbol of the Great Father and Mother, or producing causes of the human race, after their destruction by the deluge. On this subject… it was believed that, at the general deluge, everything was involved in the common destruction except the male and female principles, or organs of generation, which were destined to produce a new race, and to re-people the earth when the waters had subsided from its surface. The female principle, symbolized by the moon, assumed the form of a lunette or crescent; while the male principle, symbolized by the sun, assumed the form of the Lingam, placed himself erect in the center of the lunette, like the mast of a ship. The two principles, in this united form, floated on the surface of the waters during the period of their prevalence on the earth; and thus became the Progenitors of a new race of men.” (E of F, pp. 787, 788)
2. “The column or pillar. Among the Egyptians, the pillars were, in general, in the form of obelisks from 50 to 100 feet high, and exceedingly slender in proportion. …they were first raised in honor of the sun. But there was another more prevailing symbology. The monolith, or circular pillar, standing alone, was, to the ancient mind, a representation of the Phallus, the symbol of the creative and generative energy of Deity, and it is in the Phallic Pillars that we are to find the true origin of pillar worship, which was only one form of Phallic worship, the most predominant of all the cults to which the ancients were addicted.” (E of F, pp. 778, 779)
3. Obelisks. “Obelisks were… originally erected in honor of the sun god.” (E of F, p. 727)
4. Cteis. “The female personification of the productive principle. It generally accompanied the Phallus… and as a symbol. Of the prolific powers of nature, and was extensively venerated by the nations of antiquity.” (E of F, p. 257)
5. “The Egyptian Mysteries. (The legend goes like this, briefly: Osiris, the sun god [male], was killed by Typhon and cut up in 14 pieces. When Isis, the moon god [female and wife to Isis] heard of this, searched and found all the parts of his body except his phallus. She buried all the parts and built a column as a symbol of his erected phallus, the missing part, and worshipped it. The Phallus, therefore, as the symbol of the male generative principle was very universally venerated among the ancients and that, too, as a religious rite. As a symbol of the generative principle of nature, the worship of the Phallus appears to have been very nearly universal… Accordingly, we find in the Cteis of the Greek and the Yoni of the Indians, a symbol of the female generative principle of co-extensive prevalence with the Phallus. The Cteis was a circular and concave pedestal, or receptacle, on which the Phallus, or column, rested, and from the center of which it sprang. The union of these two, as the generative and producing principle of nature, in one compound figure, was the most usual mode of representation. Here we… find the… origin of the point with a circle, a … symbol which was first adopted by the old sun worshipers.” (E of F, p. 769)
18) “In modern Masonic works, the number of knocks given in an alarm is generally expressed by musical notes. Thus, three distinct knocks would be designated thus, >>>.” (E of F, p. 47)
19 Freemasonry Exposed, pp. 84, 85.
20) “We can find no symbolism of the cross in the primitive Degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry. It does not appear among the symbols of the Apprentice, and Fellow Craft, the Master or the Royal Arch. This is undoubtedly to be attributed to the fact that the cross was considered, by those who invested those Degrees, only in reference to its Character as a Christian sign.” (E of F, p. 52)
21) “The Cabala is divided into two kinds, the Practical and the Theoretical… The Theoretical Cabala is again divided into the Dogmatic and the Literal.
The Literal is the science which teaches a mystical mode of explaining sacred things by a peculiar use of the letters of words and a reference to their value.
The Dogmatic has been supposed to be derived originally from the system of Zoroaster.” (E o F, p. 167)
22) Sash – “None but officers, who must always be Master Masons, are permitted to wear sashes; in the United States the wearing of the sash appears, very properly, to be confined to the Worshipful Master. In the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, the white sash is a decoration of the 33rd Degree.” (E of F, pp. 905, 906)
23 Instructions to the 23 Supreme Councils of the World, Albert Pike, Grand Commander, Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, July 14, 1889, recorded by A.D. De La Rive, La Femme et l’Enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle, p. 588.
1) Mormonism – Shadow or Reality, by Jerald and Sandra Tanner, pp. 484, 485, 490.
2) “That’s Something to Think About,” by KANN Radio, Ogden, Utah.
3) Personal experience of this writer. I have performed over 500 ceremonies for the dead. This documentation comes from first-hand experience. (Note: Some parts of the Mormon temple ceremony were changed in April 1990. These quotes reflect the ceremony as it was prior to 1990.)
4) For written documentation, see “What’s Going on in There?” by Chuck Sackett. Copyright 1982.
See also, “Evolution of the Mormon Temple Ceremony, 1842-1990” by Jerald and Sandra Tanner, 1990.
5) “Again – How do saints expect the necessary information by which to complete the ministrations for the salvation and exaltation of their friends who have died? By one holding the keys of the oracles of God, as a medium through which the living can hear from the dead. The spiritual philosophy of the present age was introduced to the modern world by Joseph Smith.” (Journal of Discourses, vol. 2, p. 44)
“An important point is gained, a victory won, and a countless host of opposing powers vanquished, on one of the leading or fundamental truths of ‘Mormon’ philosophy, viz. “That the living may hear from the dead.” (From a sermon by Parley P. Pratt, Journal of Discourses, vol. 2, pp. 45, 46)
See also, “Life Everlasting,” by Duane S. Crowther, chapter 4, pp. 107-148.
6) Used extensively on the Salt Lake City Temple, on Eagle Gate at the intersection of South Temple and State Street in Salt Lake City, on the Church History and Art Museum on West Temple Street, and the planter boxes in the North Visitors Center in the room with the statue of “The Kristus” on Temple Square.
7) See book of Mormon, 1 Nephi 11:25; 15:22, 28.
8) There is an “all seeing eye” on the end of the Salt Lake City Temple. There is also one located on the ceiling of the “Garden Room” in the Salt Lake City Temple. You can see a picture of this one in the book titled, “The Salt Lake Temple – A Monument to a People.” Page 92.
Upper Chambers. “The most apparent reason for the use of an upper room is, that security from being overseen or overhead may be obtained… A Masonic hall should be isolated, and, if possible, surrounded with lofty walls… The reason there assigned by implication is that the meeting may be secret; that is, the lectures place the Lodge on a high hill, a vale, or other secret place… Probably the ancient symbolism of the sanctity of a high place was referred to as well as more practical idea of secrecy and safety.” (E of F pp. 1070-1071)
9) Sash. The sash is part of the temple clothing that is worn during the ceremony.
Upper room where the Lodge often met.” (See above)
Most Mormon temples are built on a hill where they can be seen from a great distance or in a setting where they are easily noticed.
How could it be possible that God of Bible would condone or command rituals that are so familiar for Mormons and Masons and even Satanists? It is not possible. The root of the Mormon temple ceremony is Masonry. Freemasonry is a system veiled in allegory and illustrated in symbols (i.e., sun, moon, and stars). Albert Pike has said, “Part of the symbols are displayed… to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them.” (Morals and Dogma, p. 819)
Symbolism: Sun, moon, and stars.
“Thou … hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded.” (Deuteronomy 17:1-3)
“I have not spoken in secret from the beginning.” (Isaiah 48:16)
“I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple… and in secret have I said nothing.”
Heart and feelings untrustworthy:
“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jer. 17:9)
“…for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.” (1 Samuel 1:7)
Majority of Mormon temple work is done for the dead, but the Bible says that the dead cannot be redeemed:
“None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him.” (Psalms 49:7)
“For the grave cannot praise thee, death can not celebrate thee: they that go down into the pit cannot hope for thy truth.” (Isaiah 38:18)
See also Luke 16:19-31 – the story of the rich man and Lazarus.
Swearing oaths:
“But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.” (James 5:12)
Changing the image of God to that of man:
“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things.” (Romans 1:22-23)
Serving false gods:
“Howbeit then, when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them which by nature are no gods.” (Galatians 4:
“And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” (John 17:3)
“And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” (Acts 16:31)
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)